14th October 2013 Filed under: Any Graduate, UPSC / State PSC No of view : 1676
Goa Public Service Commission (GPSC) Recruitment Junior Scale Officer Last Date : 31.10.2013
Goa Public Service Commission (GPSC) Personnel Department, Secretariat invites application for the post of Junior Scale Officer of Goa Civil Service. Eligible candidates apply in the prescribed form on or before 31/10/2013.
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancies |
Age Limit |
Pay Scale |
Junior Scale Officer |
18 (4 resvd for ST, 3 resvd for OBC, 1 resvd for PH & 1 resvd for CFF) |
Not exceeding 42 years |
Rs. 15,600-39,100+5,400/- |
Educational Qualifications: Essential – (i) Degree of a recognised University. (ii) Knowledge of Konkani. Desirable – Knowledge of Marathi.
Age Relaxation:
Upto 5 years for the candidates belonging to SC/ST, upto 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC, upto 5 years (total 10 years for SC/ST & 8 years for OBC in respect of posts reserved for them) to blind, deaf-mute and orthopedically handicapped person and upto 5 years for CFF. Age is also relaxable for Government Servants upto 5 years as per the instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
Application Fee:
Rs.400/- for General Category Candidates and those for SC, ST, OBC, Physically Handicapped and Ex-serviceman, it is 50% of the Application Fee Rs.200/-.
The last date for receipt of applications in the office of the Commission is 31.10.2013.
[button color=”magenta” link=”http://nicgoa.nic.in/gpsc/advertisement.php” target=”_blank” font=”georgia” align=”left”]Click Here for more Details[/button]