1st May 2015 Filed under: B.Tech/B.E, Fresher Job, Jobs in Bangalore, M.C.A, M.E/M.Tech, Walk-ins Jobs No of view : 1343
Genpact off campus for freshers B.Tech M.Tech BE MCA on 5th may 2015
Company Name | Genpact |
Designation Status | Technical Associate |
Working experience | Freshers | 2014 |
Precondition | B.Tech | M.Tech | BE | MCA |
Job Application | Walkin |
Work Location | Bangalore |
Interview – Date | 05| May| 2015 |
Time | 08.30AM |
HeadStorng Genpact Tower-12 10th Floor -Cafeteria Pritech Park inside Eco Space Bellandur Outer Ring Road Bangalore